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House flags of shipping companies (alphabetic list: S)
Last modified: 2017-12-16 by antónio martins
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See also:
- Satama Hinaus (S&H) O/Y
- S. Broom
- S. C. Farnham & Co.
- S. C. O. T. T. The Shipping Corporation of Trinidad & Tobago
- S. F. Bruun
- S. G. Embiricos
- S. Gitcovich & Co.
- S. Hicks & Co Liverpool Line
- S. Livanos
- S. M. Kuhnle & Son
- S. M. T.
- S. M. Valmadis
- S. N. G.
- S. O. Stray
- Sabine Transportation Co.
- Sacor Marítima, Lda
- Saguenaw Shipping Ltd.
- Saguenay Terminals Ltd.
- Saint Line Ltd.
- Sal e Navegação, Empresa de
- Salamis Lines
- Empresa de Sal e Navegação
- Salineira de Navegação Fluvial de Delbão Rodrigues & Cia, Empresa
- Salka, Zwijndrecht
- Sally Line Ltd.
- Saltens D/S A/S
- Samband Islenzkra Samvinnufelaga
- La Sambre - Société Anonyme Belge de Navigation Intérieure
- Samer & Co. Shipping Ltd
- Sampson & Tappan
- Samuel Hough, Ltd.
- Sanara
- Sanin-Kisen (1916)
- Sanko Kisen K. K.
- J. N. Sanne
- Santo Antônio de Ocílio Lago
- Sarawak Steamship Co.
- Armement Maritime M. Sarich
- Sarlis Container Services
- Satama Hinaus (S&H) O/Y
- Satrans
- Sauer Bevrachtingen
- SCA Shipping
- Scaldis
- Scandinavian East Africa Line
- Scandinavian West Africa Line
- Scandlines
- Scandlines Sør. Ferry Fynshav - Boyden
- ScanDutch I/S
- Portulloyd, Scaniberia Line
- Scaramanga Bros.
- Scarlett Line A/B
- Schach Steenberg & Co.
- Scheepswerf Slob
- Schellen Shipping N.V.
- Schiffahrts und Befrachtungs Kontor Marker GmbH
- Schiffahrtskontor Tom Wörden
- A. Schjeldrup
- Wilhelm E. F. Schmid GmbH
- Schmiegelow & Kampen (Dampsk. Selsk. Torm)
- C. Schoubye
- Reeder Heinrich Schuldt
- Schulte & Bruns GmbH & Co.
- Schulte & Bruns GmbH & Co.
- Schutzstaffel (1929-1945)
- Scindia Steamship Navigation Co. Ltd.
- Scott Brothers
- Scott & Morrell New Orleans Line
- Scott & Morrell Savannah Line
- Scottish Ship Management
- Scottish Ship Management (Australia) Pty. Ltd.
- Scottish Shire Line Co. (Turnbull, Martin & Co.)
- Scottish Tanker Co. Ltd.
- S. C. O. T. T. The Shipping Corporation of Trinidad & Tobago (Scott)
- Sea-Land Services, Inc and CSX Lines
- Sea-Link
- Sea Nebula Corporation Ltd.
- Seabulk International
- Seacon Ltd.
- Seacrest SG Co., Ltd.
- Seafreight Pty. Ltd
- Sealift Inc.
- Sealine
- Sealink Stena Line
- British Rail (Sealink)
- Seas Shipping Co. (Robin Line)
- Seaspan International Ltd.
- Seatrade Groningen
- Seatrain Lines
- Seatrans Group
- SeaUnion Shipping Co., Ltd.
- Seaway Marine Transport
- Seaways
- Seaways Shipping Corp.
- Seiwa Kaiun K. K.
- SEKA Akdeniz Muessessi Müdürlüğü A.Ş.
- Semper (Hans)
- Semper (Hans)
- Serviciul Maritim Român
- Göteborg - Fredrikshavn linje (Sessan line)
- Settsu Kogyo K. K.
- Seven Seas Shipping Corp.
- Северное государственное речное пароходство | Severnoe gosudarstvennoe reĉnoe paroqodstvo
- Северное Морское Пороходство | Severnoe Morskoe Poroqodstvo
- Северное пароходство | Severnoe paroqodstvo
- Северо-Якутское речное пароходство | Severo-Âkutskoe reĉnoe paroqodstvo
- Северо-западное государственное речное пароходство | Severo-zapadnoe gosudarstvennoe reĉnoe paroqodstvo
- SFDS af 1991 A/S
- Shah Line
- Shamrock Chartering Co.
- Shamrock Shipping Company, Limited
- Shanghai Inland River Steamer Transport Co. Ltd
- Shaw Savill and Albion Co. Ltd
- Sheaf Steam Shipping Co. Ltd.
- Shekou Container Line Ltd.
- Shell Canadian Tankers Ltd.
- Shell Mex and B. P. Ltd.
- Shell Tankers Ltd.
- Shenango Furnace Co.
- Shikoku Ferry K. K.
- Shimazu Kaiun K. K.
- Shin Nipponkai Ferry K. K.
- Shinko Shipping Co., Ltd.
- Shinnihon Kisen K. K
- Shinwa Naiko Kaiun Kaisha, Ltd
- Ship Finance & Management Co. Ltd.
- Ship Towage (London) Ltd.
- Shipping Corporation of India Ltd.
- Shipwrecked Fishermen and Mariners Royal Benevolent Society
- Shire Line Co.
- Shofuku Kisen K. K.
- Showa Kaium K. K.
- Showa Yusosen K.K.
- Shoyo Kaiun K.K.
- Louis Sicard & Cie
- Société Siccardo
- Sicula Oceanica
- Siffkin & Ironsides
- Sigval Bergesen
- Silja Line
- Silva (João Luis da), Empresa Comércio e Navegação Fluvial de
- Empresa Comércio e Navegação Fluvial de João Luis da Silva
- Silver Line Ltd.
- Silvertown Services Shipping Ltd.
- Silvertown Telegraph Works
- Simon Mokster
- Sims Consolidated Ltd.
- Sinclair Refining Co.
- Sir Robert Ropner & Co.
- Sir William Reardon Smith & Sons Ltd.
- Société Ivorienne de Navigation Maritime (SIVOMAR)
- Skaarup Shipping Corp.
- Skånska Cement A/B
- I. M. Skaugen ASA
- Skibs A/S Karlander
- O. A. T. Skjelbred
- T. H. Skogland & Son
- Skou International A/S
- Slobodna Plovidba Sibenik
- Scheepswerf Slob
- Slurink bunkering
- Smit-Lloyd
- Smith Bell & Co.
- L. Smit & Co’s Internationale Sleepdienst, Rotterdam
- Piet Smit Sleepdienst
- Snow & Bacon
- Sociedad Nacional de Buques y Maderas
- Sociedade Geral de Comércio, Indústria e Transportes
- Sociedade Paulista de Navegação Matarazzo
- Société Anonyme d’Armement, d’Industrie et de Commerce
- Société Anonyme de Navigation à Vapeur Escaut & Durne
- Société Anonyme des Armateurs Nantais
- Société Anonyme des Ccargos Français
- Société Anonyme des Pêcheries Cameleyre
- Société Anonyme John Cockerill
- Société Anonyme La Morue Française
- Société Bretonne de Navigation
- Société d’Armement E. Frisch & Cie
- Societé de Navigation Maghrebine
- Société des Dunkerquois
- Société des Voiliers Marseillais
- Société Finistérienne de Cabotage
- Société Française de Navigation
- Société Française de Transports Pétroliers
- Société Franco-Tunisienne d’Armement
- Société Générale de Transports Maritimes à Vapeur
- Société Ivorienne de Navigation Maritime
- Société Ivorienne de Navigation Maritime (SIVOMAR)
- Société Les Affrêteurs Réunis
- Société Louis Arnaud, Touache Frères & Cie
- Société Maritime et Coloniale
- Societé Marocaine de Navigation Maritime
- Société Nantaise et Morbihannaise de Navigation
- Société Nationale de Transports Maritimes
- Société Nationale de Transports Maritimes
- Société nationale Malgache de Transports Maritimes
- Société Nationale Maritime Corse-Méditerranée
- Société Navale Caennaise
- Société Navale de l’Ouest
- Société Navale Nord-Africaine
- Société Pétrole-Transports
- Société Provençale d’Affrêtement et d’Armement
- Société Provençale de Remorquage Progemar
- Société Siccardo
- Socitrans, Transitários, Lda
- Soconave
- Socony Mobil Oil Co.
- Socony-Vacuum Oil Co
- Södra Skogsägarna
- Société Française de Navigation (Sofrana)
- Sogn og Fjordane
- Sohtorik Denizcilik Sanayi T.A.Ş.
- Sohtorik Shipping & Trading Inc
- Solstad Rederi A/S
- Somarco
- Somarsal
- Societé de Navigation Maghrebine (Sonama)
- Soo Locks Boat Tours
- Soo River Co.
- Soo River Co. / Pierson Steamships
- Pierson Steamships (Soo River)
- Soponata - Sociedade Portuguesa de Navios Tanque
- A. E. Sørensen
- C. H. Sorensen Management AS
- C. H. Sorensen & Sonner
- South American Saint Line
- South Atlantic Steamship Line
- South Georgia Co. Ltd.
- South India Shipping Corp. Ltd.
- South Pacific Trading Co.
- South Sea Lines
- Southeastern Gas Board
- Southern Cross Shipping Pty. Ltd.
- Southern Line Ltd.
- Southern Ocean Trawlers Pty. Ltd.
- Southern Railway
- Southern Shipping Lines Pty. Ltd.
- Southern States Line
- Southern Steamship Co.
- Soviet Commercial Fleet
- Soviet Commercial Fleet (Совтогфлот | Sovtogflot)
- Spencer’s Gulf Steamship Co. Ltd.
- Spencer's Gulf Steamship Co. Ltd.
- Spliethoff’s Bevrachtingskantoor BV (Amsterdam)
- Splošna plovba, International Shipping and Chartering Ltd.
- Spofford & Tileston
- Sprague Steamship Co.
- Robinson Sprague & Co.
- Средне-Азиацкое речное пароходство | Sredne-Aziackoe reĉnoe paroqodstvo
- Sri Lanka Shipping Co Ltd (Colombo)
- P. T. Pupuk Sriwidjaja (PUSRI)
- SS Great Britain
- Schutzstaffel (1929-1945) (SS)
- St. George Line (David Ogden or Red Cross Line)
- St. Helena Shipping Co., Ltd.
- Stag Line
- Standard Fruit and Steamship Co.
- Standard Oil Co.
- Standard Oil Company of California
- Standard Oil Company of New York
- Standard Oil of California
- Standard Oil of New Jersey (Esso)
- Standard Shipping Co.
- Standard-Vacuum Oil Co.
- J. A. Billmeir (Stanhope S. S. Co. Ltd.)
- Star Ferry Co., Ltd.
- Star Offshore Services Marine Ltd.
- Star Shipping
- Starboard Shipping Co. (Rio Caribea Co.)
- State Line (State Steamship Co. Ltd.)
- State Shipping, Western Australia
- States Marine Corp.
- States Steamship Co. (States Line)
- Denys A. Stathatos
- Othon A. Stathatos
- Statue of Liberty Ferry
- Stavangerske Damp
- Steam Navigation Co. (Gläfke & Hennings)
- Steel and Bennie Ltd.
- Stena Line
- Stephenson Clarke
- T. J. Stevenson & Co. (Stevenson Lines)
- Steveston Harbour Authority
- Stewart & Gray
- Stirling Shipping Co. Ltd.
- Stockard Steamship Co.
- Stoffers B.V.
- Stolt-Neilsen Inc.
- B. Stolt Nielsen
- W. H. Stott, Limited
- Straits Steamship Co., Ltd.
- Straits Steamship Co. Ltd.
- S. O. Stray
- J. P. Strom Shipping Co.
- Sturges & Co.
- Stüwe & Co. Schiffahrts GmbH & Co. KG
- Stüwe & Co. Schiffahrts GmbH & Co. KG
- Sud Atlántica Sociedad Anonónima de Navegación
- Compagnie de Navigation Sud-Atlantique
- Sudcargos
- Suffolk Marine Ltd.
- Suisse-Outremer S. A. de Gerance et d’Affrétement Maritimes
- Sullivan’s Cove Ferry Co.
- Sullivan's Cove Ferry Co.
- Sulpicio Lines Inc.
- Summersfield Steamship Company Limited
- Sun Oil Co.
- Sunbusseeme
- Sundbusserne
- Suomen Petrooli O/Y
- Supervessel Express
- Сухонское речное пароходство | Suqonskoe reĉnoe paroqodstvo
- Surf
- Surrendra Overseas Ltd.
- Sutton & Co.
- G. Sutton Charleston Line
- Svea, Stockholms Rederi A/B
- Sven Salén A/B
- Svendsen & Christesen
- Svenska Amerika Linien
- AB Svenska Amerika Mexiko Linien
- Svenska ESSO
- Svenska Hamburg Linien
- Svenska Lloyd
- Svenska Orient Linien / Swedish Orient Line
- Svenska Rederi A/B Öresund
- Svenska Sockerfabriks AB
- Svenska Sydafrika Linjen
- Svenson & Jesperson
- Sverige-Levanten Akt.
- Sveriges Oljekonsumenters Riksförbund
- A/S EM. Z. Svitzer
- Swan River Shipping Co. Ltd.
- Swayne & Hoyt Lines
- Swedish East Asia Co.
- Swedish Gulf Line
- Swire Group
- Sword Line
- Sydfynske Dampskibsselskab A/S, SFDS A/S
Anything below
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