- Acadia University (NS)
- Alberta, University of (AB)
- Alberta University of the Arts (AB)

- Algoma University (ON)
- Algonquin College of Applied Arts and Technology
- Ambrose University (AB)

- Assiniboine Community College (MB)

- Assumption University (ON)

- Atlantic School of Theology (NS)

- Athabasca University (AB)
- Aurora College (NT)
- Bishop’s University (QC)
- Booth University College
- Boréal d'Arts Appliqués et de Technologie, Collège (ON)
- Bow Valley College (AB)
- Brandon University (MB)
- British Columbia Institute of Technology (BC)
- British Columbia, University of (BC)
- Brock University (ON)
- Burnan University (AB)

- Calgary, University of (AB)
- Cambrian College (ON)
- Camosun College (BC)

- Campion College (SK)
- Canadian Mennonite University (MB)

- Canadore College (ON)
- Cape Breton University (NS)
- Capilano University (BC)
- Carleton University (ON)
- Centennial College of Applied Arts and Technology
- Coast Mountain College (BC)

- Concordia Lutheran Theological Seminary
- Concordia University (QC)
- Concordia University of Edmonton (AB)
- Conestoga College of Applied Arts and Technology (ON)
- Confederation College (ON)

- Crandall University (NB)
- Dalhousie University (NS)
- Douglas College (BC)
- École de technologie supérieure (QC)
- École Polytechnique de Montréal (QC)
- Emily Carr University of Art and Design (BC)
- ENAP, École nationale d'administration publique (QC)
- Fanshawe College of Applied Art and Technology (ON)
- First Nations University (SK)
- Fraser Valley, University of the (BC)
- George Brown College of Applied Arts and Technology (ON)

- Grande Prairie Regional College (AB)
- Grant MacEwan University (AB)
- Guelph, University of (ON)
- Hearst, Université de (ON)

- Holland College
- Horizon College and Seminary (SK)

- Humber College Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning (ON)
- Huntington University (ON)
- Huron University College, London (ON)
- INRS, Institut national de la recherche scientifique (QC)
- Justice Institute of British Columbia (BC)
- Keyano College (AB)
- King's College, University of
- King's University College, London (ON)
- King's University, The (AB)
- Kwantlen Polytechnic University (BC)
- La Cité - Collège d'arts appliqués et de technologie (ON)
- Lakehead University (ON)
- Lakeland College (ON)
- Lambton College (ON)
- Langara College (BC)
- Laurentian University (ON)
- Laval, Université (QC)
- Lethbridge, University of (AB)
- Lethbridge College (AB)
- Loyalist College of Applied Arts and Technology
- Luther College (SK)
- Malaspina University-College (BC)
- Manitoba Institute of Trades and Technology (MB)

- Manitoba, University of (MB)
- Maritime College of Forest Technology

- McGill University (QC)
- McMaster University (ON)
- Medicine Hat College (AB)
- Memorial University of Newfoundland (NL)
- Mohawk College of Applied Arts and Technology
- Moncton, Université de (NB)
- Montréal, Université de (QC)
- Mount Allison University (NB)
- Mount Royal University (AB)
- Mount St. Vincent University (NS)
- Nouveau-Brunswick, Collège Communautaire du (NB)
- New Brunswick College of Craft and Design (NB)
- New Brunswick Community College (NB)

- New Brunswick, University of (NB)
- New Caledonia, College of (BC)
- Niagara College of Applied Arts and Technology (ON)
- Nicola Valley Institute of Technology (BC)
- Nipissing University (ON)
- NorQuest College (AB)
- Northern Alberta Institute of Technology (AB)
- North Atlantic, College of the (NL and Qatar)
- Northern British Columbia, University of (BC)
- Northern College of Applied Arts and Technology (ON)
- Northern Lakes College (AB)
- Northern Lights College (BC)
- Northern Ontario School of Medicine (ON)

- North Island College (BC)

- Northwestern Polytechnic (AB)
- North, University College of the (MB)
- NOSM University (ON)

- Nova Scotia Community College (NS)
- NSCAD University (NS)
- Nunavut Arctic College (NU)
- Olds College of Agriculture and Technology (AB)
- OCAD University (Ontario College of Art and Design) (ON)

- Okanagan College (BC)
- l'Ontario français, Université de (ON)
- Ontario Institute of Technology, University of
- Ottawa, University of (ON)
- Portage College (AB)

- Prince Edward Island, University of (PE)
- Providence University College and Theological Seminary (MB)

- Québec à Chicoutimi, Université du (QC)
- Québec à Montréal, Université du (QC)
- Québec à Rimouski, Université du (QC)
- Québec à Trois-Rivières, Université du (QC)
- Québec en Abitibi-Témiscamingue, Université du (QC)
- Québec en Outaouais, Université du (QC)
- Québec, Université du (QC)
- Queen's University (ON)
- Red Deer Polytechnic (AB)
- Redeemer University (ON)
- Red River College (MB)
- Regina, University of (SK)
- Rockies, College of the (BC)
- Royal Military College [Canada] (ON)
- Royal Roads University (BC)
- Ryerson University (ON)
- Saint-Boniface, Université de (MB)
- St. Clair College of Applied Arts and Technology
- Sainte-Anne, Université (NS)

- St. Francis Xavier University (NS)
- St. Jerome's University (ON)
- St. John's College (MB)
- St. Joseph's College (AB)
- St. Lawrence College of Applied Arts and Technology (ON)
- St. Mary's University (NS)
- St. Mary's University (AB)
- St. Paul's College (MB)
- Saint Paul University/Université Saint-Paul (ON)
- Saint Theresa of Lisieux Catholic High School
- St. Thomas More College (SK)
- Saint Thomas University (NB)
- Saskatchewan Polytechnic (SK)
- Saskatchewan Theological Union (SK)
- Saskatchewan, University of (SK)
- Sault College of Applied Arts and Technology
- Selkirk College (BC)

- Seneca College of Applied Arts and Technology
- Shenzhen (Nanshan) Concord College of Sino-Canada (China-Canada joint venture)
- Sherbrooke, Université de (QC)
- Sheridan College Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning
- Simon Fraser University (BC)
- Sir Sanford Fleming College of Applied Arts and Technology
- Southern Alberta Institute of Technology (AB)
- Steinbach Bible College (MB)

- Sudbury, University of/Université de (ON)

- Thompson Rivers University (BC)
- Thorneloe University (ON)

- Toronto Metropolitan University (ON)
- Toronto, University of (ON)
- Trent University (ON)
- Trinity Western University (BC)
- Vancouver Community College (BC)
- Vancouver Island University (BC)
- Victoria, University of (BC)
- Waterloo, University of (ON)
- Western Ontario, University of ("Western")
- Wilfrid Laurier University (ON)
- Windsor, University of (ON)
- Winnipeg, University of (MB)
- York University (ON)
- Yukon University (YK)