Last modified: 2021-08-12 by zachary harden
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On 1st September, 2004 a new law concerning the flag has come
into force. As a result of this, it has changed the measurements
of the flag - they used to be 1:2, and since 1st September they
are 3:5. Besides, the State flag has been legalized. The state
flag is red and has a national emblem of Lithuania in the centre
of it.
Timas Pelanis, 20 October 2004
There is a document on recent flag legislation coming from the
Lithuanian parliament at <>.
But unfortunately only in Lithuanian and with no drawings. The
headlines in English is:
Updated Legal Document I-1497 2004.07.08
2004.07.08 : Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania
2004.07.08 Prepared by: Office of the Seimas of the Republic of
Lithuania Information Technology Department since
Descriptors: amendment of a law, flag, national flag, public
Jan Oskar Engene and Željko Heimer, 22
October 2004
From <>:
"3 straipsnis. Vëliavř spalvos ir matmenys
1. Lietuvos valstybës vëliava, Lietuvos valstybës
istorinë vëliava, kitos vëliavos, taip pat vëliavř atvaizdai
visada turi atitikti ðiř vëliavř spalvř etaloniná atvaizdà
(pagal Pantone sistemà) ir matmenis.
2. Lietuvos valstybës vëliavos ir Lietuvos valstybës
istorinës vëliavos audeklo pločio ir ilgio santykis turi bűti
3. Paprastai prie, virð ar ant pastatř keliamos Lietuvos
valstybës vëliava yra 1 metro pločio ir 1,7 metro ilgio,
Lietuvos valstybës istorinë vëliava – 1 metro pločio ir
1,7 metro ilgio.
4. Lietuvos valstybës vëliava ir Lietuvos valstybës istorinë
vëliava gali bűti ir kitokiř Lietuvos Respublikos Vyriausybës
nustatytř matmenř, tačiau ðiř vëliavř audeklo pločio ir
ilgio santykis visada turi atitikti ðio straipsnio 2
dalyje nustatytà santyká."
Zachary Harden, 17 January 2005
I received this response to the question I had about the
Lithuania flag ratio:
"Dear Sir or Madam,
Lithuanian flag was not changed. The ration of the flag is –
Sincerely yours,
Asta Kuckaite Prime Minister Office of Lithuania"
I seen the legal document, and I noticed the changes on several
flag websites. However, I do not think most of the
country is taking notice, and I seriously think (my theory) is
that the change is being done so the Lithuania flag can fit the
ratios of the EU and the NATO flags.
Zachary Harden, 3 February 2005
Just a thought, but is the change (and I don't think that
there is any doubt it has legally changed) not just as likely to
be a compromise between the Communist era inspired ratio of 1:2,
and the pre-war ratio of 2:3?
Lithuania has, after all, formally re-adopted her pre-war state
flag (albeit the obverse only and in the new proportions).
Christopher Southworth, 4 February 2005
The revised Lithuanian flag legislation is now finally
available in official translation into English online from the
web site of the Lithuanian Parliamentat <>. The
revised legislation is a remarkably detailed law that regulates
details down to table flags and the right to manufacture flags.
In a more familiar vein, vexillologists will note details such as
the official prescription of 3:5 for all Lithuanian flags as well
as the details concerning the official recognition of the
historical national flag (Article 2, section 2) and its use
(Article 10). The full text of the revised law is as
26 June 1991 No. I-1497 Vilnius (New edition by 8 July
2004 No. IX-2331)
Article 1. Revised Version of the Law of
the Republic of Lithuania on the Lithuanian State Flag The Law of
the Republic of Lithuania on the Lithuanian State Flag shall be
amended and set forth to read as follows:
Article 1. Purpose of the Law
1. This Law shall regulate the national flag of Lithuania, other
flags, their descriptions, principles and procedure of official
use in the Republic of Lithuania, liability for violations of the
procedure for displaying flags or desecration of flags, flag
manufacturing and maintenance.
2. The national flag of Lithuania, the historical national flag
of Lithuania, flags of foreign states, the flag of the European
Union, flags of international public organisations, flags of
other international organisations, the flag of the President of
the Republic, flags of counties and municipalities, standards,
other flags, table and car flags (hereinafter referred to as
“flags”) may be officially used in the Republic of
3. The standard of the national flag of Lithuania may not be used
as the heraldic basis for other flags. Other flags may not be
identical to the national flag of Lithuania.
4. Except for the President of the Republic, state institutions
may not have their own flags. The provisions of this Law shall
apply to the flag of the President of the Republic to the extent
that they are not subject to the regulation by other laws.
5. Flag standards, images may not contain the symbols or other
signs which are related to the spread of national, racial,
religious, social or any other discord, incitement to hatred, as
well as come into conflict with morals or public order, …
Article 2. Definitions
1. “National flag of Lithuania” means an official
emblem of the State of Lithuania, the national flag – a
piece of cloth consisting of three equal horizontal coloured
stripes: arranged with the yellow above, the green in the middle,
and the red below.
2. “Historical national flag of Lithuania” means a
historical symbol of the State of Lithuania, a piece of cloth
featuring a red field with an silver armoured knight on a white
horse holding a silver sword in his right hand above his head. A
blue shield hangs on the left shoulder of the knight with a
double gold cross on it. The horse saddle, horsecloth, bridle,
and belts are blue. The hilt of the sword, the curb bits of the
bridle, the stirrup and the spur, the metal fastenings of the
sheath and the trapping are gold.
3. “Flag of a foreign state” means a national flag of a
foreign state, adopted or approved in the manner prescribed by
the legal acts of that state.
4. “Flag of the European Union” means the flag of the
European Union adopted or approved in the manner prescribed by
the legal acts of the European Union.
5. “Flag of an international public organisation” means
a flag of an international public organisation adopted or
approved in the manner prescribed by the legal acts of the bodies
of that organisation.
6. “Flag of a county” means an object of the insignia
of a county approved by the administration of the governor of the
county after consultation with the Lithuanian Heraldry
7. “Flag of a municipality” means an object of the
insignia of a municipality approved by the municipal council
after consultation with the Lithuanian Heraldry Commission.
8. “Standard” means an object of the insignia of a
statutory institution, military unit or municipal ward, approved,
after consultation with the Lithuanian Heraldry Commission, in
the manner prescribed by the legal acts regulating their
9. “Other flags” means an object of the insignia of
public and private legal persons, approved or adopted, after
consultation with the Lithuanian Heraldry Commission, in the
manner prescribed by the legal acts regulating their activities.
10. “Table flag” means a small national flag of
Lithuania, a small flag of a foreign state, a small flag of the
European Union or an international public organisation,
conforming to the standard pattern of the colours and the
proportions of the national flag, the flag of the European Union
or the flag of international public organisation, and attached to
the staff with a stand.
11. “Car flag” means a small national flag of
Lithuania, a small flag of a foreign state, a small flag of the
European Union or an international public organisation,
conforming to the standard pattern of the colours and the
proportions of the national flag, the flag of the European Union
or the flag of international public organisation, and displayed
from a staff mounted on the car.
12. “Manufacturer” means a legal person, a natural and
a legal person of a foreign state, a branch of a legal person of
a foreign state, having the right to manufacture flags
and registered in the manner prescribed by laws and
other legal acts of the Republic of Lithuania.
Article 3. Colouring and Proportions of the Flags
1. The national flag of Lithuania, the historical national flag
of Lithuania, other flags as well as images of the flags must
always correspond to the standard image of the colours (in the
Pantone Matching System) and the proportions of these flags.
2. The ratio of the width of the national flag of Lithuania and
the historical national flag of Lithuania to the length of the
said flags must be 3:5.
3. Usually when displayed near, over or on the buildings the
national flag of Lithuania shall be 1 meter in width and 1.7
meters in length, and the historic national flag of Lithuania
shall be 1 meter in width and 1.7 meters in length.
4. The national flag of Lithuania and the historical national
flag of Lithuania may be of other proportions set by the
Government of the Republic of Lithuania, however, the ration of
the width to the length of these flags must always correspond to
the ratio established in paragraph 2 of this Article.
Article 4. Principles of the Usage of Flags
1. The citizens of the Republic of Lithuania, other persons must
show respect to the flags.
2. Flags must meet the requirements laid down in Article 3 of
this Law, must not be soiled or faded.
3. When displayed the national flag of Lithuania must take
precedence over all other flags pursuant to the principles of
4. When the national flag of Lithuania is hoisted vertically, the
yellow stripe must be on the heraldic right, the green stripe
– in the middle and the red stripe – on the left.
5. Flags may be displayed near the buildings (on flagpoles
installed in front of the building), over or on the buildings, in
squares, on ships, in conference halls, offices or places of
official ceremonies, from a car.
6. If several flags are raised, they must be flown at the same
height, of the same possible size, and in the following order of
precedence: 1) the national flag of Lithuania; 2) the historical
national flag of Lithuania; 3) flags of foreign states; 4) the
flag of the European Union; 5) flags of international public
organisations; 6) the flag of the President of the Republic; 7)
standards; 8) flags of counties; 9) flags of municipalities; 10)
other flags.
7. The Government of the Republic of Lithuania shall set the time
for hoisting flags.
Article 5. Places and Occasions for Hoisting the National
Flag of Lithuania
1. The national flag of Lithuania shall be hoisted on a 24-hour
basis near, over and on the following buildings: 1)
the Seimas of the Republic of
Lithuania; 2) the residence of the President of the Republic; 3)
the Government, the ministries and the administrations of the
governors of the counties
of the Republic of Lithuania;
4) the Constitutional Court and other courts of the Republic of
Lithuania; 5) the Office of the Prosecutor General of the
Republic of Lithuania; 6) the Bank of Lithuania; 7) the Central
Electoral Committee of the Republic of Lithuania; 8) the Tower
of the Gediminas' Castle in Vilnius; 9) municipal
councils; 10) border inspection posts – in the places
established under a resolution of the Government of the Republic
of Lithuania in the international airports, seaports and river
(inland waterway) ports open for international shipping, railway
stations or by the roads, in which the inspection is carried on
by the State Border Guard Service, customs offices or other state
institutions authorised for this purpose.
2. On state holidays the national flag of Lithuania shall be
hoisted near, over or on the following buildings: by other state
and municipal institutions and agencies, other agencies,
enterprises and organisations irrespective of the forms of
ownership thereof, as well as near residential buildings.
3. The national flag of Lithuania shall be also hoisted: 1) near,
over or on diplomatic missions, consular posts of the Republic of
Lithuania and the divisions of such missions and posts, as well
as near, over or on buildings of the special missions located in
foreign states – pursuant to international law provisions,
diplomatic protocol requirements and traditions of a host
country; 2) near, over or on buildings of state schools of higher
education and post-secondary schools as well as state and
municipal general education schools – usually the said flag
shall be hoisted at the beginning of a school year and lowered at
the end of the school year; 3) on the territories of independent
military units – in accordance with the procedure
established by the Minister of National Defence; 4) on ships
registered in the Republic of Lithuania; 5) on ships which have
entered the territorial waters, ports of the Republic of
Lithuania; 6) near, over or on the buildings in which voting is
carried out on the day of elections to the Seimas, municipal
councils of the Republic of Lithuania or the European Parliament
and the Office of the President of the Republic, as well as on
the day of voting in a referendum.
4. Natural and legal persons may also at their own discretion use
(hoist, display) the national flag and (or) small flags of
Lithuania (except for the cases provided for in paragraphs 1, 2
and 3 of this Article) in pursuance of the principles of the use
of flags and only in a manner not subjecting these flags to
5. The national flag of Lithuania may be hoisted: 1) in places of
international public events with other flags – in compliance
with international protocol requirements; 2) in sports arenas
– during championships and competitions of the Republic of
Lithuania, international sports tournaments in which the national
teams of Lithuania take part, awarding ceremonies of the
international tournament winners who represent sports teams of
the Republic of Lithuania; 3) on remembrance days or the occasion
of public events – in the manner prescribed by the
Government of the Republic of Lithuania or an institution
authorised by it.
6. The national flag of Lithuania shall be displayed on a 24-hour
basis in: 1) the chamber of the Seimas of the Republic of
Lithuania; 2) the meeting hall of the Government of the Republic
of Lithuania; 3) the sitting hall of the Constitutional Court of
the Republic of Lithuania; 4) the sitting halls of the Supreme
Court and other courts of the Republic of Lithuania; 5) the
offices of the Chairman of the Seimas and the Deputy Chairmen of
the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania; 6) the office of the
residence of the President of the Republic as well as on other
premises of the residence of the President of the Republic
designated or used for officials ceremonies or events; 7) the
offices of the Prime Minister and the ministers of the Republic
of Lithuania; 8) the offices of the President and the justices of
the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Lithuania; 9) the
offices of the President of the Supreme Court and the chairmen of
other courts of the Republic of Lithuania; 10) the offices of the
Prosecutor General, chief prosecutors of the Republic of
Lithuania; 11) the office of the Chairman of the Central
Electoral Committee of the Republic of Lithuania; 12) the offices
of the commanders of military units of the Army of the Republic
of Lithuania; 13) the offices of the heads of diplomatic
missions, consular posts, special missions of the Republic of
Lithuania located in foreign states.
7. The national flag of Lithuania may be displayed on the
premises when official events organised by state or municipal
institutions or other official events attended by the Seimas
Chairman, the President of the Republic or the Prime Minister are
held there.
8. During a funeral procession or service for the President of
the Republic, the signatory of the Act of Independence of
Lithuania, a Seimas or Government member, any other person
recognised in the manner prescribed by the Government as having
merited to the Republic of Lithuania, as well as the person who
perished when performing his official duties or saving lives, a
coffin shall be covered with the national flag of Lithuania which
shall be removed before interment and presented to the next of
kin after being folded.
Article 6. Use of a Mark of Mourning
1. As a sign of mourning the national flag of Lithuania shall be
flown one-third of the way down the flagpole. If the national
flag of Lithuania is hoisted not on the flagpole, it shall be
hoisted with a mark of mourning – a ten-centimetre-wide
black ribbon shall be attached to the mast so that the ends of
the ribbon shall reach the bottom of the flag.
2. The Government of the Republic of Lithuania shall announce the
mourning as well as the places and time of hoisting flags.
Article 7. Use of an Image of the National Flag of
1. The national flag of Lithuania shall be painted on the
aircrafts registered in the Republic of Lithuania.
2. An image of the national flag of Lithuania may be used for
decorative purposes as an official symbol of the state in such a
way that no disrespect would be shown to the national flag of
Lithuania or the principles of the use of flags would not be
otherwise violated.
Article 8. Use of Car Flags and Table Flags
1. A car flag shall be used when the car carries: 1) the Chairman
of the Seimas, the Prime Minister or the Minister of Foreign
Affairs of the Republic of Lithuania who accompanies an official
guest of the Republic of Lithuania; 2) the President of the
Republic, the Chairman of the Seimas, the Prime Minister or the
Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Lithuania during
their official visits abroad - pursuant to international law
provisions, diplomatic protocol requirements and traditions of a
country of visit; 3) heads of diplomatic missions, consular posts
or special missions of the Republic of Lithuania accredited in
foreign states - pursuant to international law provisions,
diplomatic protocol requirements and traditions of a host
2. A table flag may be displayed on the premises when official
events attended by official persons of the State of Lithuania,
foreign states – heads of state or municipal institutions or
persons authorised by them, heads of the European Union or
international public organisations or persons authorised by them
are held there; a table flag may also be displayed during
international conferences.
Article 9. Liability for Violations of the Procedure for
Hoisting Flags or Desecration of Flags
1. Persons who have violated the procedure for hoisting the
national flag of Lithuania, a flag of a foreign state, the flag
of the European Union or a flag of an international public
organisation shall be held liable in accordance with the
procedure established by law.
2. Persons who have desecrated the national flag of Lithuania, a
flag of a foreign state, the flag of the European Union or a flag
of an international public organisation shall be punished in
accordance with the procedure established by law.
Article 10. Places and Occasions of Hoisting of the
Historical National Flag of Lithuania
1. The historical national flag of Lithuania shall be hoisted: 1)
over the Royal Palace of Lithuania in Vilnius; 2) in Trakai
Castle; 3) in the square of the War Museum in Kaunas.
2. The historical national flag of Lithuania shall also be
hoisted on: 1) February 16 - Day of Re-establishment of the State
of Lithuania – near (on or over) the building of the House
of the Signatories in Pilies Street, Vilnius; 2) March 11 - Day
of Re-establishment of Lithuania's Independence – near the
building of the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania; 3) July 6 -
Day of the State (Coronation of King Mindaugas) – near the
residence of the President of the Republic; 4) July 15 – Day
of the Battle of Grünwald – near the Ministry of National
Defence of the Republic of Lithuania; 5) October 25 – the
Day of the Constitution – near the building of the Seimas of
the Republic of Lithuania, the residence of the President of the
Republic and the Government of the Republic of Lithuania.
PUBLIC ORGANISATIONS Article 11. Principles of the Use of
Flags of Foreign States, the European Union and International
Public Organisations
1. When flown with the national flag of Lithuania, the flags of
foreign states, the European Union and international public
organisations must correspond to the proportions of the national
flag of Lithuania.
2. During the visits of official guests of the Republic of
Lithuania, the flag of the state, European Union (its
institution) or international public organisation they represent
may be accorded the most honourable position pursuant to the
heraldic principles.
3. If the flags of several foreign states or several
international public organisations are hoisted together, the
order of precedence shall be established according to the names
of such states or organisations in the Lithuanian language, the
working language of an event or the official language of an
appropriate international public organisation.
Article 12. Places and Occasions of the Use of Flags of
Foreign States, the European Union and International Public
1. Flags of foreign states, the European Union and international
public organisations may be displayed on a 24-hour basis only
near, over or on diplomatic missions, consular posts of foreign
states and the buildings of the residences of their heads,
offices of the institutions of the European Union, international
public organisations as well as the buildings of the residences
of their heads, other state agencies of foreign states legally
established in the Republic of Lithuania, buildings of the
institutions of the European Union and international
institutions, unless otherwise provided for in international
agreements of the Republic of Lithuania.
2. Flags of foreign states, the European Union and international
public organisations may be displayed near, over or on the
buildings of state or municipal institutions and agencies of the
Republic of Lithuania only when official guests of the Republic
of Lithuania and representatives of special missions visit them,
as well as on the occasion of remembrance days or official
international events held in these institutions and agencies, in
other cases laid down by the Government of the Republic of
Lithuania in accordance with the diplomatic protocol
3. The national flag of Lithuania shall be hoisted together with
the flags of the Republic of Estonia and the Republic of Latvia
near the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania on February 16 - Day
of Re-establishment of the State of Lithuania, March 11 - Day of
Re-establishment of Lithuania's Independence, February 24 –
Day of Estonia’s Independence and November 18 – Day of
Latvia’s Independence.
4. The flag of the European Union shall be displayed on a 24-hour
basis in the inspection posts of the external border of the
European Union.
5. The flag of the European Union shall be hoisted together with
the national flag of Lithuania: 1) on May 9 – in the places
and in the manner laid down in paragraph 1 of Article 5 of this
Law; 2) near, over or on the buildings where the voting is held
on the day of elections to the European Parliament or on the days
when referendums on the issues pertaining to the European Union
are held in Lithuania; 3) in the places and in the manner
referred to in subparagraph 1 of paragraph 3 of Article 5 of this
6. Legal and natural persons may, at their own discretion, use
(hoist, display) national flags and (or) small flags of foreign
states, the flag and (or) small flag of the European Union or
flags and (or) small flags of international public organisations
in pursuance of the principles of the use of flags and only in
such a way that no disrespect would be shown to these flags.
7. Table flags and car flags of foreign states, the European
Union and international public organisations shall be used in the
cases laid down by this Law in accordance with the procedure
established by the Government of the Republic of Lithuania.
Article 13. Use of Standards, Flags of Counties and
1. The procedure for using standards shall be laid down by legal
acts regulating activities of statutory institutions or military
2. The Government of the Republic of Lithuania shall lay down the
procedure for using flags of counties.
3. A municipal flag shall be hoisted in the manner prescribed by
a municipal council.
Article 14. The Right to Manufacture Flags
1. The right to manufacture flags specified in Article 2 of this
Law, except those indicated in paragraph 9 thereof, as well as
the flag of the President of the Republic shall be enjoyed by the
legal persons, natural and legal persons of a foreign state,
branches of legal persons of a foreign state having the right to
manufacture flags and registered in the manner prescribed by laws
and other legal acts of the Republic of Lithuania.
2. An institution authorised by the Government of the Republic of
Lithuania shall, in the manner prescribed by the Government of
the Republic of Lithuania, issue licences to manufacture flags,
suspend their validity or revoke them.
3. Rules of licensing of flag manufacturing shall be approved by
the Government of the Republic of Lithuania.
4. State fees shall be levied for the issuing of licences. The
rate of such fees shall be set by the Government of the Republic
of Lithuania.
5. Within 60 days of the receipt of the documents necessary for
the issuing of a licence to manufacture flags, it shall be issued
to or a written reasoned refusal to issue a licence shall be
submitted to a legal person or a natural and a legal person of a
foreign state, a branch of a legal persons of a foreign state
registered in the manner prescribed by laws and other legal acts
of the Republic of Lithuania.
6. Refusal to issue a licence, to suspend its validity or to
revoke it may be appealed against in the manner prescribed by
Article 15. Permit to Commission to Manufacture Flags
1. State institutions, agencies or persons, who have the right to
use the historical national flag of Lithuania, the flag of the
President of the Republic, may commission to manufacture these
flags only upon the receipt of a permit issued by an institution
authorised by the Government of the Republic of Lithuania.
2. Rules of the issuing of permits to commission to manufacture
the historical national flag of Lithuania and the flag of the
President of the Republic shall be laid down by the Government of
the Republic of Lithuania or an institution authorised by it.
Article 16. Duties of Manufacturers
1. Flags may be manufactured only from the materials defined by
the Government of the Republic of Lithuania and must meet the
requirements set out by laws and other legal acts.
2. At the request of the state institutions which within their
competence exercise control over flag manufacturing the
manufacturers must, in the manner prescribed by an institution
authorised by the Government of the Republic of Lithuania,
furnish requested information concerning the activities subject
to licensing or the conditions determining the issuing of a
Article 17. Rights of State Institutions which within
Their Competence Exercise Control over Flag Manufacturing and
1. State institutions shall, within their competence, monitor
compliance of the actions of natural and legal persons relating
to flag manufacturing with the effective legal provisions.
2. Public servants of the state institutions exercising control
over flag manufacturing and trade shall be entitled: 1) to
monitor compliance with the effective legal acts regulating flag
manufacturing and trade; 2) in the manner prescribed by law to
enter the territories and the premises in which flags are
manufactured, sold and to carry out checks there; 3) to receive
from manufacturers or any other controlling institution the
information concerning flag manufacturing activities subject to
licensing or the conditions determining the issuing of a licence;
4) within their competence to give instructions to flag
manufacturers, persons selling flags to be followed and to
obligate to eliminate the established violations; 5) upon having
established the violations carried out by the flag manufacturers,
trade outlets and persons engaged in flag trade, to propose to
the institution which has issued the licence to suspend the
validity thereof or to revoke it.
Article 18. Supervision of the Implementation of the Law
1. The use of the national flag of Lithuania, the historical
national flag of Lithuania, the flag of the President of the
Republic, flags of foreign states, the flag of the European Union
and flags of international public organisations, as well as table
flags and car flags in state institutions shall lie with the
following heads of the state agencies ensuring the activities of
these institutions: 1) in the Seimas in the Seimas of the
Republic of Lithuania - the Chancellor; 2) in the Office of the
President of the Republic - the Head of the Administration of the
President of the Republic; 3) in the Office of the Prime Minister
of the Republic of Lithuania - the Permanent Secretary of the
Government; 4) in the Constitutional Court of the Republic of
Lithuania, the Supreme Court of Lithuania, the Supreme
Administrative Court of Lithuania – the Court Chancellor; in
other courts – the court chairman; 5) in other state
agencies, diplomatic missions, consular posts and special
missions of the Republic of Lithuania - their heads.
2. The implementation of this Law shall be supervised by the
Lithuanian Heraldry Commission, the administrations of
municipalities, in military units of the national defence system
– by the Minister of National Defence or a person authorised
by him, on self-propelled ships - by captains, on
non-self-propelled ships – by skippers, in ports and wharfs
of the Republic of Lithuania – by their heads.
3. The Government of the Republic of Lithuania shall specify the
materials from which flags are manufactured, proportions of
flags, flag trade outlets.
4. Flag manufacturing shall be controlled by institutions
authorised by the Government of the Republic of Lithuania in
pursuance of this Law and other legal acts."
Article 2. Entry into Force of the Law
This Law shall enter into force on 1 September 2004.
Article 3. Implementation of the Law
1. Flags manufactured and purchased prior to the entry into force
of this Law may be used as long as they are fit for use.
2. The Government of the Republic of Lithuania, institutions
authorised by it shall pass legal acts necessary for the
implementation of this Law.
I promulgate this Law passed by the Seimas of the Republic of
Jan Oskar Engene, 23 February 2005
The website of the Lithuanian Parliament <> has a search engine,
using which I downloaded the full text of the law on the
Lithuanian State flag. URL for the search engine is <>.
Synopsis of the law:
Art. 1. Colours of the flag and their arrangement in horizontal
and vertical hosting.
Art. 2. Proportion of the flag and dimension of the flagstaff.
Art. 3. Places where the flag shall be displayed.
Art. 4. Hours of display of the flag.
Art. 5. Use of historical, local anf foreign flags.
Art. 6. Precedence among flags.
?rt. 7. Mourning days.
Art. 8. Private use of the flag.
Art. 9. Use on the flag on building facades.
Art. 10. Use of the flag likeliness on airplanes.
Art. 11. Use of the flag likeliness as decoration.
Art. 12. Implementation of the law.
Art. 13. Supervision of the implementation of the law.
Art. 14. Manufacture of the flag.
Art. 15. Respect and outrage to the flag.
Full text of the law:
Article 1.
The Lithuanian State Flag shall be the national flag-cloth,
consisting of three equal horizontal coloured stripes, arranged
with the yellow above, the green in the middle, and the red
below. When the Lithuanian State Flag is displayed vertically,
the yellow stripe must be on the left side, the green stripe in
the middle, and the red stripe on the right side.
Article 2.
The Lithuanian State Flag must be 1 metre in width and 2 metres
in length, and a flagstaff must be 3.4 metres in length. The flag
and its likeness may be of other dimensions but the width of the
flag in proportion to its length must always be 1:2, and the
length of the flag in proportion to the length of the staff must
be 1:1.7. The flag and its likeness must always correspond with
the standard likeness of the colours of the Lithuanian State
Article 3.
The Lithuanian State Flag shall be displayed:
1) daily near the Supreme Council of the Republic of Lithuania,
the Government of the Republic of Lithuania, the buildings of the
councils of local governments, and, also, on the Tower of the
Gediminas' Castle in Vilnius and on the buildings, specified by
the councils of local governments. Only the Lithuanian State Flag
shall be displayed daily near the governmental institutions of
the Republic of Lithuania. The display of the flags of other
states near and inside the governmental institutions of the
Republic of Lithuania shall be prohibited with the exception of
cases specified in Article 5 of this Law.
2) near the buildings of the state power and governmental bodies,
enterprises, institutions and organizations, dwelling houses on
February 16 and on such other days under the decision of the
Presidium of the Supreme Council of the Republic of Lithuania;
3) near the diplomatic and trade missions, the buildings of
consular institutions in accordance with the requirements of the
4) on ships and other means of transportation where the President
of the Republic of Lithuania, the Prime Minister of the Republic
of Lithuania, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of
Lithuania and other persons, officially representing the Republic
of Lithuania are staying, under the agreement of the indicated
5) on ships, registered in the Republic of Lithuania;
6) on ships, entering territorial waters, ports of the Republic
of Lithuania;
7) near polling places on the days of election of the deputies of
the councils of local governments, referendum, plebiscite;
8) near the buildings, where sessions of the councils of local
governments take place - on the days when the council is in
9) on sports grounds during championships and tournaments of the
Republic of Lithuania, international sports competitions in which
national teams take part and during award ceremonies of the
winners, representing the sports teams of the Republic of
Lithuania, of international competitions;
10) in national defence units pursuant to the statutes of the
national defence service.
Article 4.
In cases specified in Paragraph 2 of Article 3 of this Law, the
Lithuanian State Flag shall be hoisted at 7 o'clock and lowered
at 22 o'clock, and in cases specified in Paragraph 7 of Article 3
- during the time of voting.
Article 5.
The order of approval and use of historical or new sample flags
of towns and districts shall be established by laws. The flags of
foreign states may be displayed near governmental institutions of
the Republic of Lithuania only during official visits, official
ceremonies and international events according to the order
established by the diplomatic protocol and international
documents. The flags of foreign states may be displayed only near
the institutions of foreign states, which are legally established
in the Republic of Lithuania.
Article 6.
When the Lithuanian State Flag is displayed together with the
flag of another state, the Lithuanian State Flag must be
displayed, when facing the facade of a building, on the right
side and the flag of another state - on the left side. If the
flags of several states are displayed together with the
Lithuanian State Flag, they shall be displayed to the left and to
the right from the Lithuanian State Flag. If the number of the
flags of other states displayed together with the Lithuanian
State Flag is even, they shall be alphabetically displayed in
equal number on both sides of the Lithuanian State Flag. The
Lithuanian State Flag must be displayed on the same level with
the flags of other states. When the Lithuanian State Flag is
displayed on a means of transportation (except ships), it shall
be clamped to the left fender and the flag of another state shall
be clamped to the right fender.
Article 7.
On the days of mourning, in accordance with the resolution of the
Presidium of the Supreme Council of the Republic of Lithuania the
Lithuanian State Flag may be displayed with a mark of mourning,
that is attaching a 10 centimetres wide black ribbon to the staff
or pole, so that the ends of the ribbon shall reach the bottom of
the flag. If on the days of mourning the Lithuanian State Flag is
displayed from the pole, the flag shall be lowered to one-third
of the length of the pole.
Article 8.
The Lithuanian State Flag may be displayed on other holidays and
memorable days, as well as on the occasion of public events. The
citizens of Lithuania may display the Lithuanian State Flag near
their place of residence during the personal celebrations, and
the citizens of foreign states residing in Lithuania may display
the flags of their states.
Article 9.
The displayed Lithuanian State Flags must be in good shape and
not faded. When the flags are displayed near buildings, the flags
shall be set into the holders which are fixed on the facade of a
building so that an angle between the staff of the flag and the
facade shall not be greater than 45 degrees. The lower part of
the holders shall be fixed on the facade not higher than 2 metres
from the ground. The Lithuanian State Flags may be displayed on
the poles established in front of the facade of a building.
Article 10.
The likeness of the Lithuanian State Flag shall be on airplanes
registered in the Republic of Lithuania.
Article 11.
The likeness of the Lithuanian State Flag may be used as the
state and national symbol for decoration in general so that no
disrespect shall be shown to the Lithuanian State Flag.
Article 12.
The responsibility for the implementation of these regulations
while displaying the Lithuanian State Flag near the buildings of
the state power and governmental bodies, enterprises,
institutions and organizations, shall fall with their
administrative heads, and while displaying the flag near dwelling
houses, the responsibility for the implementation of these
regulations shall fall with their owners and officials, who are
charged with the organizing of the exploitation of dwelling
Article 13.
The boards of local governments shall be charged with the
supervision of accurate implementation of this Law. Charged with
the supervision of accurate implementation of this Law in
national defence units shall be the Department of National
Defence, in self-propelled ships - captains, in non
self-propelled ships - skippers, in harbours and wharfs of the
Republic of Lithuania - harbour-masters, in diplomatic and trade
missions, as well as in consular institutions - their heads.
Article 14.
The manufacture and sale of the Lithuanian State Flag shall be
carried out in accordance with procedure established by the
Government of the Republic of Lithuania.
Article 15.
The citizens of the Republic of Lithuania as well as other
persons who are staying in Lithuania, must respect the Lithuanian
State Flag. The outrage upon the Lithuanian State Flag shall be
punishable in accordance with the procedure established by laws
of the Republic of Lithuania.
Bronius Kuzmickas , Vice President
Supreme Council Republic of Lithuania
Vilnius 26 June 1991
Ivan Sache, 22 November 2001
I don't quite follow this - are the black-ribonning and
half-masting two mutually excludable procedures one may employ
for expressing mourning, or are they both done in the same time -
i.e. are the half- masted (actually 2/3-masted) flags also
I'd say that one would be proceidure for "indoor" flags
and the other for masted flags, but I don't quite read it that
way from the text.
Željko Heimer, 23 November 2001
The website of the Lithuanian Parliament include a number of
EU and Lithuanian laws and regulations in Eniglish with flag
related content. I locetaed a few:.
On the Flag of the Baltic Assembly
on Amendments to the Regulations on the Flag of the Baltic
Republic of Lithuania Maritime Shipping Law
on the Lithuanian State Flag now be the one that is amended
This law may recently.
The artice 7 is especially interesting: " Article 7. On
the days of mourning, in accordance with
the resolution of the Presidium of the
Supreme Council of the Republic of
Lithuania the Lithuanian State Flag may be displayed
with a mark of mourning, that is attaching a 10 centimetres wide
black ribbon to the staff or pole, so that the ends of
the ribbon shall reach the bottom of the flag.
If on the days of
mourning the Lithuanian State
Flag is displayed from the
pole, the flag shall be lowered to one-third of the
length of the pole."
Željko Heimer, 22 October 2004
The 'Law on the Lithuanian State Flag of 26 June 1991 (aside
from Article 15 of the Constitution dated 25 October 1992 of
course) is, as far as I can find out, the last piece of flag
legislation passed by Lithuania before the new law.
Christopher Southworth, 22 October 2004
Today, the Parliament (Seimas) of Lithuania passed the
toughest law in Europe prohibiting the display of all Nazi and
Soviet symbols, including flags of the Third Reich, Union of
Soviet Socialist Republics and Lithuanian Soviet Socialist
Republic, their arms, uniforms and anthems.
Prohibition includes also any variant of the swastika, hammer and
sickle and five-pointed red star and public display of the images
of the leaders of the NSDAP and the Communist parties of the USSR
and LSSR.
During the discussion, radical deputy Petras Grazulis (Union of
the Fatherland) wanted to include the symbols of the Polish Home
Army (AK-Armia Krajowa) into the law, but this was rejected by
the Parliament.
Russian media told their readers and viewers that the anthems of
the Russian Federation and Federal Republic of Germany won't be
performed in Lithuania anymore as identical to those of Nazi
Germany and Soviet Union. However, the Lithuanian Parliament made
it clear that the prohibition concerns only the old words of both
Source: Gazeta Wyborcza, Warsaw, June 17, 2008.
Chrystian Kretowicz, 18 June 2008