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Santa Cruz Province (Argentina)
Provincia de Santa Cruz
Last modified: 2021-12-24 by rob raeside
Keywords: santa cruz | provincia de santa cruz | waves: 3 | mountain | stars: southern cross | sun: setting | sun (blue) | sun: 19 rays | chaltén | fitz roy | arenillas (santiago sebastián) |
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image by Santiago Sebastián Arenillas (designer of the flag), 24 May 2002
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Presentation of the province
The province of Santa Cruz is located in the South of continental Argentina. Tierra del Fuego is the big island located south of the continent.
Santa Cruz meaning, Holly Cross, is one of the newest Argentine provinces. It was a National Territory until 1957.
Francisco Gregoric, 18 Feb 2007
Description of the flag
Today it was first hoisted the new provincial flag of the Argentine Province of
Santa Cruz. The flag is celeste (sky blue) with white waves on dark blue in the lower part (similar to the Kiribati flag) with a yellow sun.
Whitin the sun is the Cerro El Chaltén [also called Fitz Roy] and the Southern Cross [Constellation],
as in the coat of arms. The flag won a contest in 26-8-2000. The winner was
Santiago Sebastián Arenillas.
Jaume Ollé, 12 Oct 2000
The design of this flag attempts to reflect the main characteristics of
our land, of our geography, because it is mostly by the landscape that
surrounds that we are defined as santacruceños, what makes us feel as
an important part of Argentina yet not always remembered.
The light blue represents the same sky under which
Manuel Belgrano created our
national flag, the sun is both a symbol
of divinity for the native Indians as a patriotic
sun. It’s a raising sun, symbol of the youth of
this province. A half circle contains the night, the Southern Cross and
the Cerro Chaltén [Mount Chaltén], emblems of the Aónikenk, ancient race that lived on this southern land.
The sea that bathes our provincial shores from north to south, which
feeds life to the east of our territory is represented on the lower part in
white and blue waves.
The union of these elements tries to point out the nexus between the
past and the present, the history that we are still writing. The dimensions
of our geography, the never ending limits of our sky, our sea, our land.
Because everything seems to be far but nature itself, the immensity that
surrounds us and remains there at the reach of our hands and inside the
heart and eyes of everyone who witnesses this latitudes.
The Flag of the Provincia de Santa Cruz was first raised on
October 12th of 2000 at El Chaltén, town of 200 habitants located at the
feet of the Cerro from which took its name.
Santiago Sebastián Arenillas (designer of the flag), 24 May 2002
Another flag with three shades of blue on it.
John Ayer, 13 Oct 2000
The flag of Santa Cruz province is shown in the
movie Historias minimas,
by Carlos Serón (2002). The movie is a Patagonian road-movie,
which depicts, in a very sensible and humoristic manner, two
days in the life of a few inhabitants of Fitzroy who go to
San Julian, 300 km southwards, via the Patagonian road.
One of the characters stops at a kind of check point (rather
an information booth because the policeman does not seem to be
prepared to check anything) at the entrance of a small city.
The booth has the provincial flag hoisted over the roof.
Ivan Sache, 31 May 2003
The central mountain in both the flag and the coat of arms of Santa Cruz is
Mount Fitz Roy or Mount Chaltén (Chaltén is the indigenous name and it is the name usually heard nowadays). There is even a really very popular folk song in the Patagonia dedicated to the Chaltén.
The Coat of Arms (or emblem) of the Province was designed in 1959, predating the flag that was adopted in 2000. We see the image of the mount in both, the arms and the flag. However in the coat of arms the mount appears in a more nature-like representation, while in the flag we see a more stylized image of the mount.
The constellation of the Southern Cross also appears in both, the coat of arms and in the flag as well.
Francisco Gregoric, 10 Jul 2005
The Aonikenk referred by Mr. Arenillas are one of the local indigenous people from the area of present day Santa Cruz Province. They are usually and erroneously known as "Tehuelche", which is a Mapuche word to describe other indigenous neighbors like the Aonikenk and others.
Francisco Gregoric, 18 Feb 2008
Flag law
The provincial flag was adopted in November 23, 2000 by Law No. 2566 of the local legislature. The proposal of the bill was sent by Governor Néstor Kirchner. The law text appears below, first in Spanish and afterwards, the English translation:
Sancionada por la Legislatura el 23 de noviembre de 2000. Proyecto del Gobernador provincial: Néstor Kirchner
Promulgada el 29 de noviembre de 2000 por el Gobernador Kirchner
Art. 1º.- Declárase “Bandera oficial de la provincia de santa Cruz”, a la diseñada por el señor Santiago Sebastián Arenillas, seleccionada mediante Concurso Provincial Ley 2449, expresándose público reconocimiento al autor de la obra, sobre cuyo modelo se copiarán sus reproducciones.
Art. 2º.- La Bandera de la Provincia de Santa Cruz, tiene a) las características formales de tamaño, diagramación y colores y b) las características emblemáticas descriptas bajo esos títulos en el Anexo I y el diseño que como Anexos II y III forman parte de la presente.
Art. 3º.- La Bandera Provincial será izada con mástil propio en todos los actos oficiales en los que se enarbole el Pabellón Nacional, ubicándose en posición inmediata inferior a ésta o en paralelo, a su izquierda, salvo razones de fuerza mayor que autorizarán para ser izadas ambas en un mismo mástil, con la insignia nacional al tope del asta. En el ceremonial debe observarse precedencia a favor de la Bandera Nacional. Cuando el espacio no resulte suficiente entrará en primer término la Bandera nacional luego de la Bandera Provincial.
Art. 4º.- Gozan del derecho a enarbolar la bandera de la Provincia de Santa Cruz: los organismos dependientes de los tres Poderes del estado y de las Municipalidades; las delegaciones culturales, deportivas y de cualquier otro carácter que representen a la misma aún fuera de su territorio; las asociaciones de residentes santacruceños y las personas físicas o jurídicas.
Art. 5º.- La Bandera de la Provincia debe ser enarbolada dentro del territorio de la Provincia de Santa Cruz en todos los actos oficiales y en los de conmemoración histórica o patriótica, en las escuelas y en todos los edificios públicos de la Provincia.
Art. 6º.- En los Actos de Recepción o cambio de una Bandera Provincial de Ceremonia, Oficial, se procederá en idéntica forma a la establecida para la Bandera Nacional.
Art. 7º.- La Bandera de la Provincia de Santa Cruz, deberá colocare en los despachos de los senadores y diputados nacionales, diputados provinciales, jueces de la provincia, intendentes municipales, concejales y comisionados de fomento, gobernador, sus ministraos y secretarios de estado y funcionarios que determine el Poder Ejecutivo.
Art. 8º.- La Bandera Provincial será recibida en los organizamos o instituciones donde vaya a ser entronizada en Actos Solemnes, con la presencia de sus funcionarios. En el caso de los establecimientos educacionales, de gestión oficial o privada será en presencia de los alumnos, autoridades, docentes, padres y comunidad educativa.
Art. 9º.- El Poder Ejecutivo determinará el lugar y fecha de la bendición y solemnidad que deberá darse al acto.
Art. 10º.- La promesa de lealtad será efectuada en los siguientes términos:
“Prometéis lealtad a nuestra Bandera provincial emblema de identidad de nuestro pueblo y símbolo superior de unión permanente de todos los santacruceños”
Art. 11.- Los titulares de los tres Poderes Provinciales, Intendentes municipales y Presidentes de Concejos deliberantes, dentro de los 30 días de la ceremonia principal, deberán tomar promesa de lealtad a la Bandera Provincial a sus miembros, por medio de la fórmula establecida en el artículo 10.
Art. 12.- El primer ejemplar que se confeccione de la bandera Oficial de ceremonias de la provincia de Santa Cruz quedará en custodia de la honorable Cámara de diputados.
Art. 13.- Comuníquese al Poder Ejecutivo provincial dése al Boletín oficial y cumplido, archívese.
Anexo I:
Características formales
- Tamaño: El largo será igual a un y medio ancho (L= 1,5 A ). no podrá ser materialmente mayor que la Bandera Nacional.
- Diagramación: Según modelo Anexo II y III, diseño al frente sobre paño color celeste (Pantone 2915 u), anverso celeste, sin ningún tipo de inscripción o diseño.
- Colores:
1- Pantone yellow u
2- Pantone 109 u
3- Pantone 2915 u
4- Pantone 301 u
5- Pantone 145 u
6- Pantone 167 u
7- Pantone 2746 u
8- Pantone transparente white
Características emblemáticas- Fundamentación
“Lo que el diseño de esta bandera intenta reflejar son las características salientes de nuestra tierra, de nuestra geografía, porque en gran medida es el paisaje que nos rodea lo que nos define como santacruceños, lo que nos llama a sentirnos como una parte importante, aunque no siempre recordada, de la República Argentina.
A su vez, intenta mantener una relación de semejanza con el escudo provincial y con el pabellón nacional, en menor medida, apelando así a un reconocimiento más efectivo y una integración entre estos símbolos.
El celeste representa el mismo cielo bajo el cual Belgrano creó nuestra bandera nacional; el sol es tanto reflejo del sol patrio como símbolo de divinidad que fue y es para las razas autóctonas. Además es un sol naciente, símbolo del amanecer, de la juventud de esta provincia. Contiene en un semicírculo inferior la noche, la Cruz del Sur y el cerro Chaltén emblemas estos últimos de los Aónikenk, antigua raza que habitara estas tierras sureñas.
El mar que baña las costas provinciales de Norte a Sur, que recorre y da vida al Este de nuestro territorio, está representado en la parte inferior de la bandera en color azul y blanco.
La unión de estos elementos busca destacar el nexo entre el pasado y el presente, la historia que aún estamos escribiendo; las dimensiona de nuestra geografía, los límites casi interminables de nuestro cielo, nuestro mar, nuestra tierra, los amaneceres, los anocheceres, porque todo parece estar lejos menos la naturaleza misma, menos la inmensidad que nos rodea y permanece ahí, al alcance de la mano, dentro del corazón y los ojos de todos los que somos testigos de estas latitudes”
English translation:
Adopted by the Provincial Legislature of November 23rd of 2000. Proposal of the Provincial Governor: Néstor Kirchner.
Promulgated on November 29, 2000, by Governor Kirchner.
Article No.1.- The “Official Flag of the province of Santa Cruz”, will be the one designed by Mr. Santiago Sebastián Arenillas, selected by a provincial contest, under Bill No. 2449, expressing public acknowledgement to the author of the flag that will serve as pattern for future reproductions of the flag.
Article No.2.- The Flag of the Province of Santa Cruz, has a) regulated the proportions, diagram and colors and b) the emblematic characteristics defined under those titles in Annex I and the design that is part of the present (law) in Annex II and III.
Article No.3.-
the Provincial Flag will be hoisted in its own staff in all official ceremonies where the National Flag is hoisted. It should be located in a position immediately lower to the National Flag or parallel to the left except in situations when both flags are hoisted in the same staff with the National flag on top. Proper protocol indicates that the place of honor must be observed always for the National Flag. When there is no enough space, the National Flag will enter first, then the Provincial Flag.
Article No.4.- The right to hoist the Flag of the Province is for the following: the branches of three Powers of the State and the Municipal governments; cultural and Athletic delegations as well as delegations of any other character representing the province including when are outside the borders of the province.
The associations of residents from Santa Cruz, people and institutions.
Article No.5.- the Provincial Flag will be hoisted in the territory of the Province of Santa Cruz in all official meetings as well as in historical and patriotic commemorative ceremonies, in schools and in all public buildings of the Province.
Article No.6.- During formal gatherings or when officially changing the provincial flag, the procedures will be identically to the established for the national flag.
Article No.7.- The Flag of the Province of Santa Cruz must be placed in the office of the Senators and National Deputies (Representatives), Provincial Deputies (Representatives), Judges of the Province, Municipal Mayors, Councilmen as well as Commissioners of Improvement, The Governor, his Ministers and Secretaries of State and officials appointed by the Provincial Executive Power.
Article No.8.- The Provincial Flag will be hosted by all branches and institutions and it will be solemnly placed in all ceremonies when officials are present. The flag will be also present in public or private centers of learning including during the gathering of the students, authorities, teachers, parents and the educational community.
Article No.9.- The Executive Power will determine the place and date of the blessing and solemnity prescribed for this event.
Article No.10.- The oath of loyalty will be performed as per the below text:
“Do you swear loyalty to our provincial Flag, emblem of our peoples identity and superior symbol of permanent union of all the people of Santa Cruz”
Article No.11.- The heads of the three provincial Powers, Municipal Mayors, and Presidents of Municipal Legislatures must take the oath of loyalty with the text regulated by in article No. 10, within thirty (30) days and not longer, from the date of the main ceremony.)
Article No.12.- Custody of the first manufactured Official Ceremonial Flag of the Province of Santa Cruz will be by the Honorable Chamber of Deputies (Representatives).
Article No.13.- Inform the Provincial Executive Power and the Official Bulletin to be executed and filed.
Annex I:
Formal characteristics
- Size: The length will be equal to one and a half width (L= 1,5 W ). It can not be larger than the National Flag.
- Diagram: Following model of Annex II and III, design at frente over a sky blue color cloth (Pantone 2915 u), sky blue anverse, without any kind inscription or design.
- Colors:
1- Pantone yellow u
2- Pantone 109 u
3- Pantone 2915 u
4- Pantone 301 u
5- Pantone 145 u
6- Pantone 167 u
7- Pantone 2746 u
8- Pantone transparent white
Symbolic characteristics- Explanation
“The intention of the design of the flag is to reflect the main characteristics of our land and our geography. The main feature defining us as santacruceños is the landscape around us, recalling the awareness of being an important part, although sometimes forgotten, of the Argentine Republic.
The intention is also of keeping a co relation of similarity with the provincial coat of arms and in a lesser way with our national flag, appealing in that way to a more effective acknowledgement and integration with these symbols.
The sky blue (color) represents the same sky under which (General Manuel) Belgrano created our national flag; the sun is the light reflected of our national sun as symbol of divinity that was to the aboriginal people. Furthermore, the sun is the raising sun and symbolic of the dawn of the youth of this Province. It has an inferior semi circle (that has inside) the night sky, the Southern Cross and the Mount Chaltén. The later, a symbol of the primitive inhabitants of these southern lands, the Aónikenk.
In the inferior part of the flag, in blue and white colors, is represented the
sea that bathes the provincial coast from North to South, giving life to the East of our territory.
The union between these elements tries to emphasize the nexus between past and present. The history, that we are still writing, is the vastness of our landscape of almost endless borders with our sky, our sea, our land, the dawns and the twilight. All appears to far away, except nature itself, except the immensity that surrounds us and stays there, reachable by hand and in the heart and eyes of all of us that are witnesses of these latitudes.”
Law text sent by Dr. Miguel Carrillo Bascary and translated by Francisco Gregoric and Gus Tracchia 18 Feb 2008
Other sites:
- [pzz02] Alberto Rubén Perazzo (2002):
Nuestras Banderas - Vexilología Argentina (second edition)
Other sources:
- Personal comunication with Dr. Miguel Carrillo Bascary
Provincial coat of arms
image by Francisco Gregoric, 18 Feb 2008
The coat of arms was adopted by Law No. 97 of September 25, 1959. The snowy mountain cap represent Mount Fitz Roy [or Chaltén], with the Constellation of the Southern Cross Constellation on the upper side of it, marking the southern latitude of the province. The full sun indicates the luminosity of the region.
On October 9, 1959 the coat of arms was officially proclaimed and that date was designated as "Day of the Provincial Coat of Arms".
Jaume Ollé, 05 Sep 2000, translated by Francisco Gregoric, 10 Feb 2008
The full sun has 12 straight rays and 12 wavy rays as defined by law. However, wrong reproductions of the coat of arms with different number of rays could be seen.
The scroll of the Santa Cruz coat of arms is purple. Sometimes it is wrongly represented in red or blue, but purple is the correct color. The name of the province appears inside in golden letters.
Francisco Gregoric, 18 Feb 2008
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