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Taltal commune (Chile)

Comuna de Taltal

Last modified: 2024-09-21 by randy young
Keywords: taltal | ilustre municipalidad | 1858 | merlin | birds: 3 | coat of arms: per fess | antofagasta | chile |
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[Taltal flag]
image by Olivier Touzeau, 17 August 2006

See also: External links:
  • Official website (in Spanish)

About the flag

Its flag (white with seal and lettering) can be seen:
The first one may be the mayor's flag.

Also at the official website you can see the elements of the seal used as on a banner of arms, but I did not see it anywhere else on the site — I suppose it is simply a way to have a rectangular logo.
Olivier Touzeau, 16 August 2006

About the commune

Taltal has 11,000 inhabitants on 20,405 km².
Olivier Touzeau, 16 August 2006

Additional flags

[Taltal flag] [Taltal flag]
images by Valentin Poposki, 5 June 2024

The Commune of Taltal in the Province of Antofagasta has additional emblem and at least two additional flags, as the flag that is presented in FOTW is still in use in full capacity as can be seen here:

Photos of additional flags: and
Valentin Poposki, 5 June 2024

Communal emblem

[Taltal commune emblem]
image by Valentin Poposki, 5 June 2024